Experimenter is a magazine created by EAA for people who build airplanes. We will report on amateur-built aircraft as well as ultralights and other light aircraft.
Issue link: http://experimenter.epubxp.com/i/84816
News From HQ EAA Employees to Build a Zenith CH 750 E-LSA EAA staff members have begun work on a Zenith STOL CH 750 kit, with EAA Communities Manager Chad Jensen leading the project. "This is a fantastic op- portunity for EAA to show our love and appreciation for homebuilt airplanes," Jensen said. "The response I've received from interested staffers has been phenomenal!" Zenith President/CEO Sebastien Heintz has graciously offered EAA an airframe kit for the STOL CH 750 E-LSA. "Support of the E-AB community is something I am committed to doing, and seeing an opportunity like this to work with EAA on a project that will not only provide an education to their employees, but also to see a group project come together and end up in the EAA Employee Flying Club is something I am very proud to be a part of," Heintz said. Pilot's Bill of Rights Beginning to Pay Dividends FAA has issued a notice implement- ing elements of the recently passed Pilot's Bill of Rights. Under the new law, which received the President's signature on August 3, pilots now have the right to obtain "air traffi c data" relevant to an FAA enforcement action from government contractors. This includes information such as recordings of fl ight service briefi ngs from contract facilities and communi- cations with contract control towers. Previously, only services provided directly by the FAA and its employees had been subject to such requests. The notice directs inquiring pilots to the new Pilot's Bill of Rights page on 8 NO. 2/OCTOBER 2012 the FAA website, where a pilot who is the subject of an investiga- tion may submit a request for air traffic data to a central point of contact within the agency. Re- quests made to this point of con- tact will promptly be passed on to the appropriate contractor. The FAA cautions that air traf- fic data is commonly disposed of within as little as five days through the course of normal business. Therefore it is imperative that pilots ask to secure this data in a timely fashion and carefully describe the nature of the infor- mation sought, including time of day, altitude, and heading of the aircraft if possible. The EAA sees this notice and the ac- companying webpage as a very posi- tive step toward the FAA's full imple- mentation of the law. Doug Macnair, EAA vice president of government relations, was pleased with the an- nouncement, saying, "This is the fi rst tangible sign of benefi t to airmen from our hard work on the Pilot's Bill of Rights as we seek to improve the level of fairness and accountability within the FAA enforcement process. We deeply appreciate the agency's responsiveness and support in bring- ing about the new procedures." For additional information, EAA mem- bers may call Government Programs at 920-426-6522 or send an e-mail to govt@eaa.org.