
November 2012

Experimenter is a magazine created by EAA for people who build airplanes. We will report on amateur-built aircraft as well as ultralights and other light aircraft.

Issue link: http://experimenter.epubxp.com/i/90184

Contents of this Issue


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new planned route and schedule on the logbook tab of the website Trike-Globetrotter.com. Also find the link to their SPOT tracker to learn their current location, and visit the links for their Facebook page and blog. Ultralight Anniversary Celebration and AirVenture Statistics About 75 devotees of ultralight aviation gathered down on "the Farm" in the ultralight area at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2012 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of FAR 103, the federal regulation that makes flying ultralights permissible in the United States. It was a little sad that there weren't 500 or 5,000 joining in the hoopla, but a look around the group seated for punch, cake, and speeches revealed many pioneers of the sport. The two most recognizable figures from the "dawn of ultralights" were Ed Sweeney, who displayed two Hummingbird ultralights, and Dale Kramer, creator of the Lazair and the eLazair. The master of ceremonies was the ultra- light area chairman, Lee Crevier, who presented special certificates of appreciation to those who exhibited FAR 103 ultralights. Retired ultralight/light plane announcer Frank Beagle gave an address to the group about the history of FAR 103, and he included a moment of silence for all the pioneers and fellow pilots who have departed. Timm Bogenhagen, EAA staff liaison for ultralights and light planes, has released a postconvention compilation of statistics from the ultralight/light plane area at Air- Venture 2012. There were 106 ultralights and light planes registered, with a total of 1,629 takeoffs and landings during the seven-day period. (A volunteer counts them.) A total of 104 volunteers served 5,080 man-hours in the area at the convention. Our fuel building pumped 407 Doreen Kroeder and Andreas Zmuda plan to spend the next three years fl ying all over the world in this DTA Voyager trike. gallons of auto fuel, and there were 23 forums in our seminar tent with 802 attendees total. Please send your comments and suggestions about ultralight/light plane seminars to dgrunloh@illicom.net. Dan Grunloh, EAA 173888, is a retired scientist who began flying ultralights and light planes in 1982. He won the 2002 and 2004 U.S. National Microlight Championships in a trike and flew with the U.S. World Team in two FAI World Microlight Championships. Lee Crevier opens the ceremony celebrating the 30th birthday of the ultralight rules and stands bravely between the assembled attendees and the free punch and cakes. EAA EXPERIMENTER 49

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