
March 2014

Experimenter is a magazine created by EAA for people who build airplanes. We will report on amateur-built aircraft as well as ultralights and other light aircraft.

Issue link: http://experimenter.epubxp.com/i/271000

Contents of this Issue


Page 26 of 42

EAA Experimenter 27 Expo organizers extended a special welcome to homebuilt aircraft owners this year and set aside a special area for homebuilt owners to camp with their aircraft in addition to a special area for them to display their aircraft. Chip Erwin puts it right up front on his website (www.aeromarine-LSA.com): "Everything you need...and not much else." The catchy phrase clues you in to his latest aircraft production: the ultralight Zigolo motorglider. The new ready-to-fl y ultralight is somewhat of a throwback to the original, low-cost, minimal structure approach to simple fl ight that changed everything back in the early 1980s. Powered by either a 25-hp, single-cylinder engine or an all-electric powerplant, the Italian- designed Zigolo will be assembled from components and sold ready-to-fl y for $16,000, or $18,000 with electric power. A 100-hour quick-build kit is just $14,500. These prices are all-inclusive of engine, prop and a novel, pneumatic airframe rescue parachute. This nifty lifesaver deploys with a powerful spring-loaded mechanism instead of the traditional pyrotechnic-charged 'chute. Stewart Covering Systems presented a workshop throughout the four days of the Expo introducing attendees to this new covering system. Info: www.stewartsystems.aero. Other forums covered aircraft insurance, Rotax engines, and numerous other topics of interest to homebuilt and light-sport aircraft pilots and builders. The Super Petrel LS also made its debut at the Sebring Expo. The biplane amphibian was having fun fl ying off nearby Lake Jackson in the city of Sebring. Jerry Scheid is bringing this fi rst-of-its-kind Super Petrel LS to the U.S. market. Scheid has established PS-Bird LLC to represent it. Call 386-760-4140 for more information. Autogyro USA displayed and fl ew their Calidus and MTO Sport model gyrocopters often throughout the weekend; when the winds were blowing, they were often the only aircraft in the air. Visit the company's website to learn more about building the autogyro of your dreams. Information at www.autogyrousa.com. EAA hosted a booth for members to renew their membership and have questions answered. Here, Homebuilding Community Manager Charlie Becker answers questions for a member while Heidi Hamm, manager of program fulfi llment, assists a member in renewing his membership. Charlie also presented a keynote speech during the event highlighting how homebuilding has helped save general aviation. Photography by Jim Koepnick and Jim Lawrence E A A E X P _ M a r 1 4 . i n d d 2 7 EAAEXP_Mar14.indd 27 3 / 3 / 1 4 1 0 : 3 2 A M 3/3/14 10:32 AM

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